How can AI (Artificial Intelligence) shape Filmmaking?

AI is much more than a buzzword today and almost every industry segment is penetrated and impacted with the AI tools. Without further ado, let us visit each milestone touch point in the five basic steps to filmmaking and evaluate where and how could AI shape up the future of filmmaking.

Step 1: Development
The step to Ideation and Scriptwriting. A creative professional who is quite convinced of his novel idea and plot seeks a scriptwriter to bring the narrative live. Scriptwriters are always apprehensive if their script would resonate with the audience but are limited by their creative abilities to augment it. AI tools
can definitely browse through the successful scripts that fetched the highest acclaim and can offer suggestions based on past data as well as current and future trends. AI software can also create visual storyboards and in effect help the filmmakers to plan the shooting sequences avoiding any oversight.

Step 2: Pre-Production
Pre-production is all about the location scouting and the cinematography, the logistics, the actors, the crew, the costumes and most importantly about budgeting and seeking investments. At this stage the script comes to life during these steps of planning although the shooting is yet to take place. AI algorithms can help optimize these schedules by mapping all the steps, suggest suitable actors based on
their subjective appeal and connect with the audience and the past reception, plan resource allocation by evaluating past project plans and avoid potential challenges of running into the bottlenecks. The location can also be finalized by comparing the effects of different backgrounds with the AI tools and rightfully match to the visual requirements of the scenes.

Step 3: Production
This is when the real action begins. The cameras are rolling and the actors emoting. Here too the AI primed cameras or operated drones can bring about the optimum settings. The automations can help the cinematographers get the desired settings and shots as well as recommendations on the subsequent sequences. The music and sound track designs can also be customized with the AI tools to complement the mood and the atmosphere of a film. AI can help shave off decades by making the actors look young and more appealing.

Step 4: Post Production
This critical phase is when the adrenaline is flowing now to make it a box office success. The audio video editing with the AI tools can give lots of permutations and help the film editor choose the impactful visual effects and eliminate the unwanted scenes, assist in color grading or suggest edits based on pacing and storytelling conventions. The deepfake technology can create special effects as well as digitals recreate the duplicates or the other characters. AI can obviate the  need for regional translators and can provide the dubbing and accurate subtitles for global release and distribution. The audience journey and customer personas can also be mapped by AI to implement complementing marketing strategies by optimal engagement and bring the audience to the theaters or OTT platforms to watch the
movie and make it a success.

While all the above benefits of AI are immense and the potential, mind boggling, it does not come without its set of challenges. UNESCO’s conference in Paris also touched upon the imitating capabilities of the AI but many argued it is far beyond that. Ethical considerations, plagiarism, data privacy, potential displacement of jobs - more detrimental to those who are just starting out, subjective biases
are some of these to mention a few, besides the ever-lurking fear that although humans created it, if left unmonitored it can take over humans. We all know about one of the SAG-AFTRA strike issues on who would own the artists’ resemblance when it is powered by AI. There are also anecdotal researches happening where the AI can create words based on the brain waves. It is very important therefore to
collaboratively create boundaries on where the creativity ends and the erosion of humans, humanity and humane values start!

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